This was my beginning proposal in my email:
故事敘述一個年輕人巴馬, 遭受到財主阿布陷害, 欠債累累, 被人苦苦追逐。後遇到一風塵女子喜兒, 代為還債, 但不能百年好合。
喜兒賣藝不賣身, 身世淒涼, 她嫁給常客比爾, 比爾好色.....
*註釋* 阿布前世欠巴馬許多, 巴馬欠喜兒.....
Story ending feedback from CCMeems:
Abu decided to make things right, and went to Bama for forgiveness which made Cher very happy. Bill saw that Cher was pure and true, also decided to stay faithful in their marriage.